Exhibition around the impossibility of silence

After Silence is an exhibition project that proposes a reflection on the impossibility of silence in contemporary society. The experience physics of silence has practically disappeared from our daily reality, while the uses of silence have been restricted until they almost disappear: silence as a space for reflection, calm and introspection, or as a form
resistance to the dizzying pace of technological advances and their political and social implications, has been progressively diluted in the culture of consumption and distraction.

Only some forms of silence (commemorative, as an experience of consumption or as a form of repression and control) survive, while its more introspective forms are relegated to the background, useless due to their lack of practicality. Many artists, on the other hand, live, work and reflect on silence, using it as a medium, material or inspiration for their creations.
Faced with the increasing impossibility of experiencing silence, some questions arise: what ways do artists nowadays represent the different forms of silence? Is art one of the last refuges of silence as space for reflection?, do we live, then, in a post-silent era?, that is, do we live after silence?

In search of answers to these questions, After Silence proposes an approach to representations of silence in relation to its impossibility through fifteen works by the following international artists: Pierre Huyghe, Manon de Boer, Raymond Gervais / Rober Racine / Irene F Whittome, Lewis Baltz,
John Cage, Nam June Paik, Stephen Vitiello, Alphonse Allais, Erwin Schulhoff, Jeroen Diepenmaat, Pavel Büchler and Nicolas Collins; and nationals: Juan Matos Capote, Pablo Serret de Ena and Escoitar collective.
